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Image by Setyaki Irham
Our ethics


We value the trust you place in us by calling on us and we strive to ensure total confidentiality of our discussions.


Founded by a team of experts

Founded in 2020, this revolutionary service is helping companies save money by bridging the gap between technology and people. We are the one team to call when you are uncertain, at a loss or when you're technology has failed you due to a security incident.

We are Professionals


More than 150 years experience in cyber security between the team.

We care


We know that your business can't operate when technology is down, let us help you get back to your business.


We understand


Trust experts with business backgrounds that know what is at stake.

Expert Treatment


Customer service is what we do, we will take care of you.

Halftone Image of Crowd
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Analysis & Identification Expert

Determines the exact nature of the threat, assesses the effort required to deploy appropriately, proposes immediate response measures that can be taken, and ensures that as much information as possible is gathered to deal with the cyber-crisis

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Cyber Crisis Handler

Helps to orchestrate an effective conduct of crisis meetings, ensures an exhaustive analysis of inputs, coordinates the scheduling of actions to deal with the cyber crisis, ensures effective diffusion of communications

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Post-Incident Analysis Expert

Evaluates what went well and what did not go so well, serenely and positively identifies possible areas for improvement, proposes improvements adapted to the company's reality

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Cyber Security Instructor

Trains and educates all levels of staff on cyber security, explains and demonstrates cyber attack techniques, explains and demonstrates methods of identifying and responding to cyber attacks

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